6 Best Thing to Do in Charleston, South Carolina in 2022
Here’s Our Guide to the Best Way to Spend a Day By Yourself, on a Date, with Friends, or Even the Whole Family in Charleston, SC

If you are looking for the best thing to do in Charleston South Carolina then you have come to the right place. In this article today I am going to offer you a couple fun tourist attractions, but I also went out of my way to make sure that you get a chance to see the stunning beauty in Charleston, South Carolina. This list will include the address where you can find all these amazing things to do and I’ll even hook you up with a link to their website so that way you can track down more info if something catches your eye. And I’ll even martk off which locations accept convenient digital GiftYa gift cards.
You don’t need to worry when you’re in Charleston looking for restaurants, stores, and attractions. You can check out GiftYa and search for gift cards by Charleston and find everything they offer in Charleston. The cool thing about this is that you can get a GiftYa digital gift card for you or a loved one and send it wirelessly in seconds. Anytime you or they are in Charleston looking for something fun to do. Not only can you send and receive a GiftYa wireless, you can also keep track of the balance all right from your phone, Unlike a standard gift card where you have to write the balance on the back everytime you use it, a GiftYa keeps track for you on your phone all the time, And let’s be honest, isn’t it way more likely that you will be out and about with your phone than with your gift card?
Your loved one is also much more likely to have their phone on them than a gift card if you are sending on e for a birthday or celebration to a younger relative, You can count on kids and college students to always have their phones on them, but can you really count on them to have a gift card you send them.
Not to mention their digital format makes GiftYa perfect anytime you want to send a gift card with a large sum to a loved one in Charleston *wink wink.* With a GiftYa there’s no writing multiple balances all over a card and hoping you can keep it organized. You also don’t have to worry about the card being lost or stolen with a GiftYa.
You can keep track of them all digitally. So you don’t even have to deliver them in person to know they got there in time. There’s no relying on the Postal Service and hoping they don’t lose it or delay it before your loved ones' big day or celebration. And I’m sure you’ve noticed more and more restaurants going with digital menus and options. Don’t be embarrassed at a modern 21st Century establishment by handing over a clunky plastic gift card when you can upgrade to a sleek digital format today.

Charleston Waterfront Park
The Best Thing to do In Charleston South Carolina
Vendue Range & Concord St | Charleston |charlestonparksconservancy.org
Charleston Waterfront Park is at the top of the list today for a couple reasons. But more than anything, it is at the top of the list because of the incredible views you can get when you visit. There are all kinds of usual touristy attractions available for you to do when you are in Charleston. But whether you are there for business or vacation, I can assure you that taking the time to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and breathtaking views will be doing your mental health a real solid.
If you want to know the best thing to do in Charleston South Carolina then take a moment and think of the things you don’t normally have the time to do. Take one of those rare moments in life when you can just completely unplug from the world around you and exist in a pristine moment away from the constant whirring of fans and alerts going off on your phone and let Charleston Waterfront Park rinse your cares away.
“Waterfront Park is a must see for tourists and locals alike. It is such a peaceful area to enjoy with family, friends, and pets. There are stunning views that surround this area so sit down and enjoy the views. It's a great way to just get away from it all.” - Yelp Review
Charleston Waterfront Park doesn’t offer GiftYa digital gift cards just yet, but check back soon because we are always adding best things to do and attractions in Charleston!

Charleston Farmers Market
Think Global But Act Local And Support Small Business
329 Meeting Street | Marion Square | charlestonfarmersmarket.com
Here’s another thing you can do in Charleston, South Carolina that is going to give you a nice break from the madness of the modern world. What Charleston offers in fresh air in sunshine for tourists, it also offers for local farmers. So you can be sure to find all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables at the Charleston Farmers Market.
And listen if you are somebody who lives in the northern part of the country, be sure to try some fresh peaches from the south when you visit the farmers market. There is no comparison to freshers peaches from the tree right to the stand. If you are even remotely fond of fresh or canned peaches that you find at the grocery store, do yourself a favor and try a real fresh peach grown in the heart of the American south.
“This is the spot to come to support local business and there's something for everything! Fruits, vegetables, homemade pastas, fresh coffees and teas, body scrubs, and soaps are just a few of the items being sold.
There's an atm in site, for those who don't want to use cards. A few vendors only accept cash.” - Yelp Review
Unfortunately Charleston Farmers Market isn’t one of the best things to do in Charleston participating with GiftYa just yet, but check back soon cause they might be any day now.

Angel Oak
The Most Beautiful Tree In the World
3688 Angel Oak Rd | Johns Island | angeloaktree.com/
Angel Oak boasts that they have the most beautiful tree anywhere in the world. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it really is kind of a breathtaking tree. Which is an adjective I never thought I would pair with a tree to be honest. But the tree itself is said to be between four and five hundred years old. Which means that this tree was there before America was a country.
There is a good chance it was there before America was even a part of the British Colonies. That means that this tree has seen every moment of the nation's history. Which is really kind of amazing when you think about it. If you are looking for something unique and relaxing to do one afternoon when you are in Charleston then be sure to check out the Angel Oak Tree.
“This place is Ah-ma-zing. If this tree could talk you could sit there for days listening to all kinds of stories, from love stories to hurricane stories. Very nicely kept to preserve it for future generations to enjoy something of this magnitude. Makes me think of the poem to the oak tree and really makes me think of nature.” - Yelp Review
There aren’t GiftYa digital gift cards available for Angel Oak as of the date of this writing, but there might be now! Be sure to check GiftYa itself for all the gift cards available for best things to do in Charleston.
Magnolia Plantations & Gardens
Charleston’s Most Visited Plantation
3550 Ashley River Rd | Charleston | magnoliaplantation.com
This is another item on my list today that is going to provide you with a real enjoyable and relaxing experience. Magnolia Plantations and Gardens is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. However, it is Charleston's most visited plantation and that is for a reason. And that reason is that the Magnolia Garden is simply more beautiful and breathtaking than the others. And if you don’t believe me, be sure to click the link up there and check out some photos on their website.
Whereas most garden’s try to control and shape nature. Magnolia Gardens are designed to cooperate with nature and create a totally tranquil landscape for you to enjoy. So whether you are trying to impress a day, find an afternoon of quiet peace, or take the in-laws out somewhere for the evening, you really aren’t going to be able to go wrong if you visit Magnolia Plantations and Gardens.
“This place is massive, we didn't even walk the whole thing, but WOW. There is so much to see here and so many things to enjoy. The whole plantation is just absolutely beautiful and so well-kept.” - Yelp Review
You can’t get a digital GiftYa gift card to Magnolia Plantations & Gardens at the moment but be sure to check back soon as new best things to fo and locations in Charleston are added all the time!
Charleston Brews Cruise
Brewery Tour in Historic Charleston South Carolina
375 Meeting St | Mazyck-Wraggborough | charlestonbrewscruise.com/
Charleston Brews Cruise is going to be a lot of fun for anybody who is of age due to the alcoholic nature of it. However, there actually is a little more to this cruise than just drinking the beer. Charleston happens to have a flourishing craft beer scene and the Brews Cruise features a professionally guided tour of the local craft breweries in Charleston. Not only will you get four generous beer samples at each of the breweries you stop at, you will also learn about the brewing techniques and be offered opportunities to expand your palette.
“We had a great time on the beer tour!! Brent was very knowledgeable, professional, and just awesome!!!! :) We had a really good time and it was a fun thing to do especially if you like to try new beers! It was well worth the price and exceeded our expectations.” - Yelp Review
Right now you aren’t able to get a GiftYa digital gift card to Charleston Brews Cruise but check back because there’s more best things to fo and stores in Charleston added all the time.
Rainbow Row
One of America's Most Historic Neighborhoods
83-107 E Bay St | South of Broad| charleston.com/rainbow-row
Rainbow Row offers you a chance to see one of the most unique neighborhoods you can find anywhere in America. All the houses are painted in interesting ways and you can just walk through the neighborhood to see everything so it’s totally free to do!
“Must see little area in Charleston. These houses are so beautifully painted and send off such a happy vibe! You only need a few mins to walk by and grab a picture!” - Yelp Review
Rainbow Row isn’t accepting GiftYa digital gift cards just yet, but check here for all the other GiftYa available for best things to do in Charleston
There you have it! All the best rated best things you can find to do in Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston is one of the major cities in the American south so there are all kinds of different things I could recommend that you do there. But I really wanted to offer something that lets you enjoy more than just the tourist attractions.
The American landscape is beautiful so I wanted to make sure you could take a chance to enjoy some of the beautiful nature that exists around Charleston. But check out our other list on Charleston to find all kinds of other great things to do in Charleston if nothing on this list stood out to you today.
Trae Bodge
Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.
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