Roses and Romance Mix Well Together At These Romantic San Francisco Restaurants

Date night doesn’t have to be super complicated...keep it lowkey with a romantic dinner this week!

Whether it’s a first date or you’re celebrating your fiftieth anniversary, or you really just feel like treating your partner to something nice because you haven’t had a lot of time for romance as of late, nothing is quite as effective as a dinner date. It’s simple yes, but as that old saying goes, the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. Show your partner how much you care at one of these romantic San Franciscan restaurants.

Romantic Restaurants

About GiftYa

Like we said, romance doesn’t have to be complicated. But if you’re tired of relegating your date nights to activities that can be done in the comfort of your own home and you’ve ventured out into the world for your dates recently, you’re probably well-aware of just how expensive date nights out can be. GiftYa wants to help alleviate some of the wallet-emptying costs of treating your partner to a nice meal, and that’s exactly why they’ve come up with the idea to present you with e-gift cards to romantic restaurants near you. Order one for your favorite couple today!

L’Ardoise Bistro

Image courtesy of L’Ardoise Bistro Instagram

151 Noe St | Duboce Triangle |

When you think of romance, languages probably aren’t the first thing to come to mind. That being said, whenever you’re looking for a romantic spot to take your partner out for a special dinner, romance languages are a great way to clue you in to the types of cuisine you should be looking for.

And there is no language considered more romantic throughout the world than French. Here at L’Ardoise Bistro, they serve up traditional French fare alongside a dimly lit, romantic atmosphere and phenomenal service, which will make it the perfect backdrop for your date night.

In French, “ardoise” refers to a chalkboard - which is pretty on-the-nose as far as L’Ardoise is concerned because a chalkboard is actually what they use to display the specials they’ll be serving up for customers each day. Don’t forget to ask your server about their decadent desserts before you leave!

“THIS IS THE BEST FOOD I HAVE EVER HAD. Honestly, it's rare for me to write reviews but this place had the most exquisite food, from the appetizers to the entrees to the dessert... everything is beyond phenomenal.” - Yelp Review

Buy a GiftYa to L’Ardoise Bistro >

Foreign Cinema

Image courtesy of Foreign Cinema Instagram

2534 Mission St | Mission |

Who needs to carve out time for both dinner and a movie when you can have both in one go? Any busy professional knows that while setting aside some time for date night is important to any relationship, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have loads of extra time just lying around.

At foreign Cinema, you can enjoy both dinner and a movie (and an art exhibit if that’s what you and your partner enjoy!) at the same time. As you dine - whether that’s inside their dining room or out on the patio, they always have a reel of film projected onto one of the walls.

Enjoy unique dishes cooked up with the freshest possible ingredients, and you’ll be supporting some of your local farmers while you’re at it. At Foreign Cinema, they aren’t just committed to providing you with an exceptional dining experience; they’re also committed to giving back to their community.

“The movie ‘screenings’ along the infamous courtyard wall is less of the rage than everything else this establishment presents: good food, good looking people, and ultimately, a beautiful restaurant.” - Yelp Review

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Image courtesy of Frascati Instagram

1901 Hyde St | Russian Hill |

Imagine, for one moment, a restaurant that is simultaneously romantic and fun. For most of us, we probably think of dim lighting and quiet so loud that you can hear the clinking of silverware against plates if you go too long without speaking to each other, but there are other ways of making a space feel romantic.

For starters: natural lighting can actually go a long way when it comes to a romantic ambiance. At San Francisco’s Frascati, they’ve carried natural lighting across three levels of a high-ceilinged restaurant, and incorporated some faster paced, jazzy music to make the space more lively.

Here, you can enjoy unique dishes of Mediterranean cuisine with a slight Californian fusion. The menu changes seasonally to reflect the produce that’s in season at that given time, which means you’ll never be without something new to try.

“Excellent experience here last night with incredible dishes...and wonderful wine. Great service and quaint Hyde Street atmosphere to boot. This is the height of San Francisco class.” - Yelp Review

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Image courtesy of Alegrias Instagram

2018 Lombard St | Marina/Cow Hollow |

Most people are no stranger to Mexican food. With the United States bordering Mexico, it was kind of hard to avoid the culinary influences of our neighbors creeping their way throughout the different states in our own country. 

Spanish cuisine, however, is a little more difficult to come by. Many people might think that Mexican food and Spanish food can’t be all that different - they speak the same language, after all.

But while Spanish cooking may have influenced Mexican dishes, the geographical distances of where each country exists in the world means that you might not be as familiar with Spanish cuisine as you may think.

Here at Alegrias, you can get your hands on some of the best Spanish food - Paella included - in all of the San Francisco area - and some fantastic wine to pair with it!

“This is such a great date spot and one not too many people seem to have heard much about. The place is very cute, the service is amazing, and the tapas are great.” - Yelp Review

Buy a GiftYa to Alegrias >

Firefly Restaurant

Image courtesy of Firefly Restaurant Instagram

4288 24th St | Noe Valley |

The metamorphosis of a firefly is drawn out over a long period of time in which it undergoes several different incarnations of itself. The same can be said of San Francisco’s very own Firefly Restaurant, which gets its name from our old friend the firefly.

Since the idea for this local San Franciscan favorite first sprouted back in 1993, it has undergone many different phases - from its infancy to learning how to run things the hard way during its “awkward” adolescence to its current state of adulthood - and it will continue to grow and evolve in the years to come.

They’ve created a super cozy atmosphere that is perfect for date nights here, and their food is absolutely sublime. Their menu is pretty limited, but they’ve made sure to pack in options for everyone. If you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or just really love chicken, they’ve got options for you.

“Wonderful place! My boyfriend reserved a dinner night for my birthday. Inside is not that big, but very cozy. The waitress was very kind to explain things on the menu.” - Yelp Review

Buy a GiftYa to Firefly Restaurant >

Isa Restaurant

Image courtesy of Isa Restaurant Instagram

3324 Steiner St | Marina/Cow Hollow |

A good restaurant knows the precise portions you need to scratch that craving itch you’ve been having without stuffing you too much. Here at Isa Restaurant, they’ve created a menu made up entirely of small plates.

Named after founding executive chef, Luke Sung’s daughter, Isa Restaurant serves up some of the best Cal French fare in the area, cooked by one of the most extraordinary chefs you’ll find in San Francisco. 

Chef Sung opened up this restaurant when he was only 26 years old, which makes home one of the youngest, yet well-established chefs in the area. You and your date can enjoy as many small plates as you’d like to here. 

Try out the unique recipes that have been crafted here by by Chef Sung, and you may just discover one of your new favorite spots to head to for date night!

“My girlfriend took me to this restaurant as a surprise, and I absolutely loved it! She had been wanting to come here for a while, and after finessing a reservation we were finally able to come.” - Yelp Review

Buy a GiftYa to Isa Restaurant >


Image courtesy of Facebook

3665 Sacramento St | Presidio Heights |

We’ve mentioned the influence that romantic languages can have on helping you to determine the most romantic restaurant to take your partner to for date night. French is probably one of the most romantic languages, but flying a bit more under the radar is Italian.

And who would turn down a delicious meal of Italian cuisine for date night? They’ve drawn inspiration for their menu from regions in northern Italy, where the cuisine is best suited to work alongside produce that often grows locally in California.

They receive all of their seasonal produce from local farmers, which they see as an amazing opportunity for them to give back to the community who’s given so much to them over the years. Ask your server about which wine will best pair with your meal!

“We chose to sit outside on the patio area because of the beautiful twinkly lights and the heaters. We wanted the dinner to be as romantic as possible, but we still wanted to be warm!” - Yelp Review

Buy a GiftYa to Sociale >

We stand behind the idea that romance doesn’t have to be particularly complicated. Take a date out to one of the romantic restaurants in San Francisco and let us know how your date went in the comments below!

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Trae Bodge

Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.

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