The Best Last Minute Gifts for Classic Car Lovers

All the Best Stores and Outlets to Find the Perfect Last Minute Gift

If you are in need of a last minute gift I totally understand. With the constant hum and buzzing of the hustle and bustle of the modern world, plenty of important dates sneak up on us. Which is incredible when you consider how much “smart” technology is in our lives these days. But I digress. Today I have a last of 10 great places to find a last minute gift for any classic car lovers out there. I tried to find options that would be pretty universally beloved since I know the demographic of classic car lovers is too nuanced and complicated to try to dissect on a list that only has 10 entries. I think a classic car lover will love each of these entries, and as an added bonus I will even provide you with a link anytime one of these companies is partnered with GiftYa.

If you haven’t used a GiftYa before I’ll explain what they are real quick. A GiftYa is essentially a gift card that exists in an all virtual format. Now there are a slew of different benefits that come from this format, but I think the one that will interest you the most is that you can instantly text them to the recipient’s phone. All you have to do is choose the brand you want to give the card to, put the balance on the card, and then since it’s all digital it appears on the recipient’s cell phone instantly. Which makes them a really convenient solution when you need a last minute gift.

But that’s enough about the “brand” I’ll get right to that list of last minute gifts for classic car lovers that brought you here in the first place. As always thank you for reading and thank you for your all essential click.

1 - Xtreme Xperience

This Last Minute Gift Will Blow Any Classic Car Lovers Mind

Grab yourself a Xtreme Xperience gift card by following the link!

Xtreme Xperience gift card

If there is a classic car lover in your life and you really want to drop their jaw to the floor with your gift, then getting them set up with an afternoon with Xperience Xpereince is one hundred percent the way for you to go. Now Xtreme Xperience is still a relatively young company so they currently only have 40 locations around the country, but if you can make it to one of those locations you literally get to drive supercars that you would never see out on the highway. And you get to drive it all over the professional track that they offer. So it’s not like they just basically get a day of grown up bumper carts. These are some of the fastest cars on the planet and they get to experience them on a professional course and see how much the driving experience differs in them when you are out on the open road.

Anybody can get a digital Xtreme Xperience gift card in seconds when they follow the link!

2 - StubHub

Tickets to a Great Auto Show Make A Great Last Minute Gift for Classic Car Lovers

Get a StubHub gift card instantly when you follow the link!

StubHub gift card

If you are looking for a last minute gift for the classic car lover in your life then I think this next option is really easy and convenient. You can simply get them tickets from an online ticket seller like Ticketmaster or StubHub. There are always car shows of different sorts happening all of the time. It’s not like they’re gonna have to wait all year if you get them tickets to the next upcoming one. But I am sure no matter which of the car expos they go to, they are thoroughly going to enjoy themselves and it, all be thanks to your last minute gift!

It only takes a second to grab a digital StubHub gift card when you click the link!

3 - Target

Choose From Tons of Auto Care Options As A Last Minute Gift for A Classic Car Lover

Grab a Target gift card by following this link!

Target gift card

Many classic car lovers are a bit meticulous and overbearing when it comes to the way their car is to be washed, polished, and maintained. But hey if they managed to keep a classic car in usable condition for this long maybe they do know what they are talking about. Regardless, you will be able to choose from a large selection of automotive products at Target. You can get them everything from a new shammy to polish the car after the wax or a variety of cleaners for the glass and the upholstery. And I can tell you that any car owner out there is going to appreciate this gift, but I think it's going to be doubly appreciated by somebody who loves classic cars because they know how much work and care went into keeping a car in its prime condition for so long. They know how important that upholstery cleaner really is over the years.

Get yourself a digital Target gift card in seconds by following the link!

4 - Take Them Out to Dinner At Their Favorite Restaurant

A Dinner Out Is A Classic Way to Celebrate Somebody, which Makes This A Great Last Minute Gift for Classic Car Lovers

It doesn’t matter who they are, people like being taken out to dinner, so this can make a great last minute gift for the car lover in your life.

If you are really down to the last minute and you need to find a great last minute gift for the classic car lover in your life then I would suggest taking them out for dinner one night. Being taken out to dinner is a classic American gesture of recognizing how important a person is, and it also offers a unique bonding experience because when people’s bellies are full, they are much more likely to be in an amenable mood. This way the classic car lover gets to spend a night out with some of their favorite people while eating one of their all time favorite meals. And it’s hard to come up with a better last minute gift than taking them out to dinner. 

5 - Car Gifts From Etsy

There Are Thousand of Different Nick Knacks and Decorations That Feature Classic Cars

Car Gifts From Etsy
Photo courtesy of

If you just want to find them some sort of neat trinket that involves a classic car in some manner then you are for sure going to want to go to Etsy’s Classic Car Gift page and just scroll around. I mean it’s kind of obnoxious how many different ways they have come up with using classic cars as decorations in my opinion, but hey, it’s going to work out great for you because now you have hundreds of great last minute gifts you can find for the classic car lover in your life.

6 - Barnes & Noble

A Great Book On Some Automotive History Makes A Great Last Minute Gift For Any Classic Car Lovers Out There

Grab a Barnes & Noble gift card by following the link!

Barnes & Noble has nearly 2,000 different locations around the country which easily makes them the largest book retail chain in the country. And the nice thing about that for you is that they have such an enormous selection all at one place that they are bound to have an incredible book on a classic car or the history of the automotive industry. The staff at Barnes & Noble should really be able to help you narrow it down to exactly what book you want to get. But if you really aren’t comfortable choosing, you can always send the classic car lover in your life a digital Barnes & Noble gift card

And then they can use it at any of their brick and mortar locations, as well as online on their website and they will be able to pick out exactly what it is that they want. And you won’t have to worry about accidentally getting them a book that’s gonna spend a lot more time on the coffee table than it does getting read.

You can grab a digital Barnes & Noble gift card anytime by clicking the link!

7 - Pep Boys

A Last Minute Gift for Classic Car Lovers to Keep Them Protected In Case of Emergencies

Get a Pep Boys gift card by using the link!

My general assumption is that classic car lovers just so happen to be people who love cars in general. Sure the really fancy ones or the classics get them excited, but I think they love most cars in their own ways. In fact I am sure they have a car they drive to work everyday that they love just as much as one of the classics. And in order to make sure that they will always have reliable access with their non sports car, you can get them a Pep Boys digital gift card and text it directly to the car lover’s phone in an instant. 

And now whenever they are out on the road, there is no accident or obstacle that is going to prevent them from getting where they are going. Any damage the car undertakes can quickly be mended away at one of Pep Boys’ over 900 locations. You can rest assured knowing that they always have a safe back up plan in case anything untoward happens to them on the road.

Anybody can grab a digital Pep Boys gift card instantly by clicking the link!

8 - Amazon

Choose From Millions of Options for Last Minute Gifts for Classic Car Lovers

Grab an Amazon gift card by following this link!

Amazon gift card

If you have made it this far down the list and haven’t seen the perfect last minute gift for the classic car lover in your life, then at this point I would just recommend that you go with Amazon. At least with their convenient 2-day shipping you can probably get it there on time. And Amazon literally does have over 12 million different items to choose from which makes them the largest online retailer in the world. 

No matter what your classic car lover might need you can find it on Amazon. Tools to do basic repairs, washes, cleaners, and waxes. Upholstery cleaners and air fresheners. There is a lot that goes into keeping a car running in absolutely pristine condition all the time, and as such, you will have a wide variety of options to choose from. Everything from headlight polish to an emergency tire pump is on the list with this one.

Get yourself a digital Amazon gift card in seconds by following the link!

9 - Seat Covers

A Quintessential Gift That Any Car Lover Will Appreciate

Seat covers
Seat covers make a great last minute gift for any classic car lover out there! Image courtesy of Seat Cover Solutions

When it comes to keeping a classic car in pristine condition so that they retain all their resale value, it is actually a pretty complicated affair. It’s similar to how comic books that have been kept in pristine condition resale for a lot more down the line. And the same holds true of a classic car, any sort of spills, rips, or stains can drastically damage the car’s resale value. So get them a nice set of seat covers and just help them protect their investment in a really easy and affordable manner.

10 - Visa

These Customizable Visa Cards Make A Great Last Minute Gift for Anybody 

Get a Visa gift card in just seconds by following the link!

If you are really at your wits in trying to think of the perfect last minute gift for the classic car lover in your life this might be just the option for you. In all truth the people who love classic cars come in all sorts of shapes and styles. And since there was no way I could make individual recommendations for all of them, I insead tried to find options that have widespread public support and public sentiment. 

And these customizable gift cards do just that. They are widely accepted by every business in the country that works with Visa, which basically means everybody in the world takes these cards. And the classic car lover in your life will be able to do whatever they want with it. Maybe they need a set of new tires, or the winter season is coming up and they need to upgrade their windshield wipers. Well with these virtual Visa cards they will be able to do all of that and more!

Anybody can grab a digital Visa gift card in an instant when they use the link!

And There You Have A List of 10 Incredible Last Minute Gifts for Classic Car Lovers!

I hope something on the list today worked for the classic car lover in your life. There are so many different types of people who love classic cars that it's hard not to pigeonhole all of them on a list that only has ten entries. But I tried to find options that I thought would be universally appreciated no matter who the classic car lover is. So I hope I was able to help you find the perfect last minute gift and as always, thank you for reading!

Trae Bodge

Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.

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