A List of 10 Last Minute Gifts For A Metalhead

Concert Tickets, Musical Instruments, and Books About Music Are Just the Start!

If you need a last minute gift for a metalhead in your life then today I have just the list for you. Today’s post will include a list of 10 great options for last minute gifts for a metalhead. I’ll be sure to describe why I think a Metalhead would like each gift. But to be honest there are so many different types of people who are metalheads out there that it’s hard to narrow them down to just 10 entries on a post, but I did my best to find suggestions I thought would work for any metalhead out there. And on top of that I’ll throw you a link anytime you can get one of these gifts for a metalhead using a GiftYa.

If you haven't used a GiftYa yet I’ll explain them real quick. They are essentially a gift card that exists in an all digital format. And this modern format comes with a slew of different advantages, but the one you will probably care about the most is the fact that you can instantly text them to the recipient’s phone. Which makes them a really great option when you need a last minute gift for a metalhead or anybody else.

But I’ll wrap up the introduction here and get right to that list of last minute gifts for a metalhead that brought you here in the first place. Thank you for the click by the way.

1 - Spotify

Easy and Convenient Last Minute Gift for a Metalhead

Grab yourself a Spotify gift card by following the link!

If somebody identifies as being a metalhead, then they must be a pretty big fan of music and spend a lot of time listening to music. If you want to get them something great to help them enjoy the music they love all the time, you can get them a Spotify gift card. And with that gift card they can set themselves up an account where they have unlimited streams on millions of tracks. And all the big metal classic bands are there. Black Sabbath, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and even Korn can all be streamed an unlimited number of times with a subscription to Spotify. Hooking them up with a gift card that covers a couple months of the subscription price will be enough time for them to fall in love with the service and make it a permanent cornerstone of where they listen to their music

Anybody can get a digital Spotify gift card in seconds when they follow the link!

2 - Guitar Center

Best Place to Get A Last Minute Gift for Any Metalheads Who Play Music

Get a Guitar Center gift card instantly when you follow the link!

The great thing about metalheads is that a lot of them really play the instruments that are used to create the music they love. So if you know a metalhead who happens to play guitar or bass, you can be sure to be able to find a great gift for him at Guitar Center. They have everything from the actual guitars to the amps, pedals, strings, and picks that are used to create iconic sounds from rock and metal history. If they are the type of metalhead that also knows how to shred you aren’t going to be able to go wrong with getting them a last minute gift from Guitar Center. But if you really don’t know what they like to play with, like the style of pick or gauge of string they use you can always send them a Guitar Center gift card. And then that way they can pick out exactly what they want for their guitar at their convenience.

It only takes a second to grab a digital Guitar Center gift card when you click the link!

3 - Barnes & Noble

Find A Book On Music History for A Last Minute Gift for A Metalhead

Grab a Barnes & Noble gift card by following this link!

Most metalheads out there really appreciate the rich tapestry of different bands that have influenced the genre so profoundly over the years. Finding them a book about an iconic metal legend, or even a book that took a back seat look of a famous tour could make for a great last minute gift for the metalhead in your life. There are all kinds of nonfiction stories and biographies about famous musicians and bands and I am sure they would be really pleased with this gift. It offers them a greater insight into one of metal's most accomplished bands or singers than that is a win-win in their world.

Get yourself a digital Barnes & Noble gift card in seconds by following the link!

4 - StubHub

Tickets to A Concert Make for A Great Last Minute Gift for A Metalhead

Grab yourself a StubHub gift card by following this link!

If you are looking to get them something they are going to love at the last minute, then I would strongly consider checking out services like StubHub and Ticketmaster to find out what kind of metal bands are going to be touring in the area soon. And then you can get them tickets to whichever one of the shows you think they’ll like the best. And then since the show isn’t right away, it doesn’t feel like the gift was last minute. 

It seems like it was thought out ahead of time. And if you really don’t know what kind of concert they would most like to go to then you can send them a digital StubHub gift card and then they can choose for themselves. And you know they’ll be seeing a band they are really excited about since they are the one who chose it and you don’t have to worry about accidentally getting them tickets to something they aren’t going to be excited about

If you need a last minute gift you can always grab a digital StubHub gift card by following the link!

5 - A Boxset of One of Their Favorite Bands

A Last Minute Gift for Metalheads That Is A Little Pricey

A Boxset of Metallica Album
A box set is an extensive collection of an individual band or artist and they make for a great last minute gift for any metalhead out there! Photo courtesy of srcvinyl.com

A boxset is essentially the complete collection of a band's recorded music. As such, I am sure you can see how these start to get pretty expensive. But if there is a band that you absolutely know that they love, it could be well worth the investment because this one more than anything else on the list will absolutely blow them away. This is my choice as the best possible last minute gift you could get for a metalhead!

6 - Heavy Metal Fun Time Activity Book

A Fun Metal Themed Book That Makes An Easy Last Minute Gift 

A book of metal trivia
A book of metal trivia makes a great last minute gift for a metalhead. Image courtesy of Amazon.com

If you are looking for something affordable and fun to get for the metalhead in your life then I would recommend checking out the Heavy Metal Fun Time Activity Book. It’s basically a little book that is filled with metal themed games and puzzles along with plenty of great music trivia about metal bands and artists. Overall this one is easy, cheap, and fun so I think it makes a great last minute gift for metalheads if you are trying to not break the bank!

7 - Airbnb Gift Card

Help Them Plan Their Next Trip to A Big Metal Show or Fest

Get an Airbnb gift card by using the link!

The fact of the matter is that if they are a metalhead, then they are going to want to go to metal concerts from time to time. Hopefully you live in a cool place and all sorts of good bands play near you all the time. But that isn’t the case for many of us who don’t live in a major city and that means that we have to travel to go to the shows we absolutely can’t miss. But the traveling entails that you have to pay for lodging as well. So if your metalhead friend is often traveling to go to incredible concerts then getting them a gift card to Airbnb can be a really great way to help them plan their next big metal based adventure!

Anybody can grab a digital Airbnb gift card instantly by clicking the link!

8 - Band Merch

A Quick and Easy Last Minute Gift for Metalhead

Band merch
Band merch makes an easy and affordable last minute gift for metalheads. Photo courtesy of Ebay.com

An easy go to gift for any metalhead out there is to get them some band merch. This can be a whole wide variety of things. Stickers, patches, t-shirts, wristbands, hoodies, bumper stickers, coffee cups, posters, and on and on. Bands will put their logo on anything that they think will raise them some money. So just find some merch that features one of the bands that they love. You should be able to find plenty of great merch at your local music store, but if you don’t have a great local shop, you can always venture into a Hot Topic and then you’ll have your choice of band merch to choose from!

9 - Amazon

Millions of Options for Last Minute Gifts for Metalheads

Grab yourself an Amazon gift card by following this link!

Amazon can make a great place to find a last minute gift for a metalhead because as the world’s largest online retailer, they have over 12 million different items for sale. Which means you can find plenty of cool metal related gifts for your friend. You can get everything from band t-shirts to cds and vinyls of famous records on Amazon. As long as you have a day or two to wait for shipping Amazon can make a really great place to find a last minute gift for a metalhead.

If you need a last minute gift you can always grab a digital Amazon gift card by following the link!

10 - Visa

A Visa Card That Is As Good As Cash Makes A Great Last Minute Gift for Metalhead

Get a Visa gift card in just seconds by following the link!

If you are all out of ideas and nothing on the list has looked good to you, then you can always give them one of these customizable Visa gift cards. The nice thing about these cards is that they are accepted everywhere that accepts Visa. Which makes them practically as good as cash. But unlike cash you can send the card with a custom message. And if you choose to send the physical plastic card instead of the digital version, you even get to pick out a custom photo to make the front of the card. And you could pick a great photo of one of their favorite bands' live sets, or maybe the album art from one of their favorite albums?

Anybody can grab a digital Visa gift card in an instant when they use the link!

And There You Have A List of 10 Great Last Minute Gifts for A Metalhead That You Can Find!

I hope something on the list today worked for the metalhead in your life. Metalheads come in all shapes and sizes so it’s hard to narrow down everything they might like to a list that is only ten entries long. If you need a last minute gift for a metalhead and didn’t see what you were looking for on the list, be sure to check out all the national brands that have partnered with GiftYa because you can send a digital gift card to any of then instantly which makes them a real lifesaver when you need a last minute gift!

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Trae Bodge

Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.

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