10 Great Last Minute Gifts for Grill Masters

What to Get Them and Where to Find It

If there is a grill master in your life that you need to get a last minute gift for then you have come to just the right place. Today I have an article on ten great options for last minute gifts for people who love to spend their time grilling. Now it's impossible to know exactly what would be the perfect gift for everybody out there who grills, so I tried to pick some options I thought would be universally appreciated. And some of the options even let you send a digital GiftYa gift card if you don’t have time to get there to shop in person.

A GiftYa is a digital gift card that you can buy and sell instantly in just a couple of clicks. There are a lot of benefits to the digital format, but I think the best one is the fact that you can instantly text them directly to the recipient’s phone. Which really makes them the perfect option when you need a last minute gift.

But I’ll wrap up the introduction here and get right to that list of great last minute gifts for a grill master that brought you here. And as always, thanks for reading!

1 - An Omaha Steaks Gift Card

An Incredible Last Minute Gift for Any Grill Master Out There

Grab yourself an Omaha Steaks gift card by following the link!

 Omaha Steaks gift card

If you need a great last minute gift for the grill master in your life then you should definitely consider getting them a gift card to Omaha Steaks. Omaha Steaks is a great gift for a grill master for a couple of reasons. First of all they offer the highest quality cuts of meat. And while they obviously have steak, they have tons of other great options as well. They have hamburgers, hotdogs, seafood, chicken, pork, sides, and even wine that they offer. And you can choose from all those offerings, and once you’ve made your choice, Omaha Steaks will ship it all directly to your home for you. 

So I’m sure you can see how a grill master would appreciate a gift card here. They can pick out all sorts of great ingredients for their next big cookout or barbeque, have it all delivered so they never have to go to the store, and even have the perfect sides and wine that will compliment the meal delivered too. Then they will be all stocked up for their next big grilling event and they can rely on their ingredients being of the highest quality.

Anybody can get a digital Omaha Steaks gift card in seconds when they follow the link!

2 - A Set of High Quality Spices

Every Grill Master Needs Incredible Seasoning Options

A set of spices
A set of spices makes an easy last minute gift for a grill master!

When you really think about it, anybody who considers themselves a master of the grill is really saying that they are an incredible cook. And I don’t think there is any incredible chef out there who doesn’t understand the importance of having great seasoning. These herbs and spices really allow you to bring out different flavors in all the different types of grilled meat. So every grill master out there is going to be using different spices and seasonings as they prepare the food to go on the grill. 

And by getting them a great set of high quality spices you will be saving them the trouble of having to go out and buy new ones. But you should be able to find a great selection of spices and seasonings at any major grocery store so you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting this one at the last minute.

3 - A Case of Their Favorite Beer

Or A Bottle of Wine Depending on the Occasion

Bottle of Wine
A case of beer is an easy last minute gift you can grab for the grill master in your life!

If you need to get the grill master in your life a gift because they have invited you to some sort of big cookout or barbeque then you can always go with a classic gift for such an occasion and bring a case of good beer to the event. And that way it’s a gift for the grill master, but it’s really a gift that the whole party can enjoy. This one is especially good for a big backyard summer cookout with lots of guests. 

But if you are attending a bit more formal and intimate kind of grilled dinner then you can also always go with getting a great bottle of wine to be enjoyed over dinner. The only thing about that is that you want to get a wine that will pair well with the dinner being served. So maybe a quick Google search could be in order so that way you don’t accidentally bring a white zinfandel to a steak dinner ya know?

4 - Target

A Great Place to Grab Cooking Utensils and Cookware

Grab yourself a Target gift card by following this link!

Target gift card

The fact of the matter is that no grill master is complete without their spatula and tongs and all the other little tools they need to use when preparing a great meal. So if you want a quick and easy last minute gift for the grill master in your life then you can stop in somewhere like Target and pick from a wide array of different cooking instruments and accessories. Maybe a great new carving knife is what they need. Or a brand new high quality cutting board. Or maybe even just a new spatula and set of tongs. 

No matter what you think might help them out in the kitchen you will be able to find it all right at Target. And Target has around 2,000 locations around the country so hopefully there is one close to you.

If you need a last minute gift you can always grab a digital Target gift card by following the link!

5 - Spotify

A Great Gift for Any Grill Master Who Likes to Entertain

Get a Spotify gift card in just seconds by following the link!

Spotify gift card

If the grill master in your life likes to entertain and have big backyard cookouts with all their friends and neighbors, then a great last minute gift option is a Spotify gift card. With one of these gift cards they can sign up for Spotify to stream unlimited music with millions of different tracks to choose from. And this way they can set up a playlist or pick out stations that they think make for the perfect ambiance to their cookout. People can even share a playlist with each other on Spotify so plenty of the guests would be able to request music too. Which helps keep everybody happy and enjoying their good time.

Anybody can grab a digital Spotify gift card in an instant when they use the link!

6 - ACE Hardware

A Large Selection of Smokers, Grills, and Grill Accessories

Grab an ACE Hardware gift card by following the link!

ACE Hardware gift card

ACE Hardware can be another great place to find a last minute gift for the grill master that you need a gift for. They actually have a pretty large section all dedicated to grills and smokers. You can get everything from a brand new grill here, to simple things like a nice grill cover or a set of sauces and rubs. Which means you have a pretty decent variety of different grill themed gifts that you could choose from that will fit a variety of price ranges. 

And ACE Hardware has nearly 4,500 locations around the country so there should be one somewhere near you. And hey if you don’t want to make the commute, you can always get your grill master a digital ACE Hardware gift card that they can use to pick out something for themselves. Or even save it until they go to get a new grill and get a nice discount from the gift card balance.

You can grab a digital ACE Hardware gift card anytime by clicking the link!

7 - A New Meat Thermometer

An Essential for Safe Cooking

grilling meat
A meat thermometer makes a cheap, quick, and convenient last minute gift for a grill master.

Not everything that can be grilled is safe to eat medium rare like steak is. And because of that a meat thermometer can be a really essential tool in any grill masters arsenal. Particularly with chicken and pork the meat needs to reach a certain temperature to be safe to eat. And while usually you can eyeball it and be pretty safe with it, more complicated dishes aren’t as easy to tell with. So if you really want to help your grill master out, get them a meat thermometer and they’ll always be able to make sure the food they are serving is safe to eat!

8 - A New Apron

Every Grill Master Has to Battle Splashes and Spills

2 chefs are preparing food
An apron is an essential for any chef or grill master out there!

Everybody who spends a lot of time in the kitchen knows how irritating it can be when you accidentally get a spill on your clothes that is gonna leave a stain and grill masters are no different. They have just as many sauces and dressings to deal with as any other chef so they will surely appreciate a new apron that protects the clothes they are wearing underneath it. And you can go with a classy professional apron, or get them a gag apron with a funny saying on it.

9 - Amazon

Millions of Choices for Last Minute Gifts

Grab yourself an Amazon gift card by following this link!

Amazon gift card

Amazon isn’t quite as last minute as the other gifts on the list. In general you will have to be able to wait for their 2-day shipping to get the gift. But if you have the two days to wait, you can even have Amazon gift wrap what you choose and deliver it directly to the grill master's house. 

If you need a last minute gift you can always grab a digital Amazon gift card by following the link!

10 - Visa

These Customizable Gift Cards Make A Great Last Minute Gift

Get a Visa gift card in just seconds by following the link!

Visa gift card

If you need a last minute gift for the grill master in your life and nothing else on this list stood out to you, you can always get them one of these customizable Visa cards. The nice thing about these cards is that you can send them as a digital gift card, or you can have them made up into an actual plastic gift card that you can design with a custom photo. But the really nice thing about them is that they are accepted everywhere that accepts Visa. So whether your grill master wants to use it at the grocery store to get some new ingredients, at the 12 pack shop to get some beer for their next cookout, or order themselves a funny apron online, they can with this gift card. Which makes it even better than cash when you think about it because you can buy anything online with cash.

Anybody can grab a digital Visa gift card in an instant when they use the link!

And There You Have 10 Great Last Minute Gifts for the Grill Master in Your Life!

I hope something on the list today works for the grill master in your life. I tried to pick things that I thought were pretty accessible at the last minute. And for several of the options you can even get a digital gift card instantly, which I personally thought would be helpful for those of you looking for gifts at the last minute!

No items found.

Trae Bodge

Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.

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