9 Ideas for Unconventional Gifts for High School and College Graduates

The end of the school year is an essential milestone for everyone: schoolchildren, graduates, and students. In this article we gathered 9 exciting ideas for the student's gift.

The end of the school year is an essential milestone for everyone: schoolchildren, graduates, and students. Many parents want to please their children on this unofficial but essential holiday. For example, to give a valuable gift. Here, in collaboration with the "write my paper for me" service WritingAPapaper, we gathered 9 exciting ideas for the student's gift.

Middle School

A new closet or a cool backpack

Even if your child is not going to college after 9th grade, the end of high school is an essential milestone in growing up. By this time, high school students have definitely formed their notions of what is beautiful and what is no longer fashionable. Of course, your tastes may differ. So what? Try to relax and let your child make an independent choice. Suggest together to go shopping and refresh the closet before high school.

On top of that, you can also get a perfect quality backpack. Luckily, they're in fashion today - relevant to both guys and girls, and there are still plenty of beautiful and comfortable models on the market. If a teenager often uses a laptop - for classes or their hobbies - choose a model with the appropriate compartment. If they don't take their gadgets with them that often, consider a compact model made of polyester: it's lightweight and will last a long time (you don't want to have to buy a new backpack in a couple of months, do you?). Backpacks made of textile, on the other hand, look stylish but require special care.

Wireless headphones

Teenagers love music (even if adults do not understand what good they find in these strange tunes), and they also communicate a lot and often play mobile and/or computer games. Therefore, these grown-up kids hardly ever part with their headphones anymore. Choose headphones with clear sound and good noise cancellation, which is excellent in this category. The main thing here - is to decide on a budget, and then you can rely on reviews. By the way, before you decide on how much money to spend on the gift, the best writing services researchers recommend to observe how often the child has lost the headphones. Lower the bar if you know that the gift will only last for a month.

What else should you pay attention to? How snug the earbuds fit (so you can walk and play sports), whether the sound is good enough, whether the noise cancellation works (and whether you want it to work: it's not always safe).

By interests

As a rule, by the end of high school, teenagers already have specific interests and an approximate understanding of what they will do after school. Therefore, a gift selected by the child's hobbies will bring joy and benefit. The novice fashion designer can buy a sewing machine, a photographer - a new lens, a programmer - accessories to pump up the computer, and a web designer - to pay for a year's subscription to the necessary programs.

High School


Just make it clear right away that you're not hinting at anything! Of course, your son or daughter can live with you as long as they want, and they are always welcome, but graduation is, after all, the first stage of independent life. Some go to another city and leave, some move into a rented apartment, room, or dormitory, and some just travel. In general, a suitcase certainly does not hurt. It is also symbolic: a suitcase is associated with the road and new experiences and speaks of your willingness to accept that the child is no longer a child but an adult: look, they even have their own suitcase!

Small appliances

And one more gift for those who are leaving their parents after school. Make a list of things that will make life easier for the graduate in the new place, and distribute it to loved ones. Here are some excellent options:

  • Hand-held steamer. With it, students can quickly get their clothes in order, even if they are late for class.
  • A kettle and a coffee maker. During the first session, drinking the fifth cup of coffee a night, the student will remember you with gratitude.
  • Multicooker. First cooking experiences are always a lot of fun! To make them fun and productive, give this person a multicooker: it will replace the stove, oven, and steam cooker and help not to burn another omelet.
  • Microwave oven. It can be used to heat pizza that was left over from the evening and also to prepare some dishes.


It is vital for the future student: a universal entertainment center and a mobile workplace. It is convenient for taking notes on lectures and storing study materials. Besides, university programs include many reports, term papers, and voluminous diploma works. Preparing them according to all requirements is impossible without a computer or a laptop. Even if the student prefers to hire the best essay writing service, they will still need a laptop for preparing for exams or working on other assignments.



Your no-longer-a-child has come an impressive way in this school year: countless sleepless nights, piles of scribbled sheets, and suitcases of books read are behind them. Finally, you can exhale when all the internships are over, and the exams are passed. Before a new race begins, it's a good idea to catch your breath. Just don't insist on traveling together! The student will probably want to vacation with friends or a partner. And you can give a certificate to buy tickets, choose a backpack for hiking or, for example, a wetsuit. Here, of course, discussing the possible trip with the future student is essential.

Electric scooter

In the movies about the "American dream," one of the traditional graduation gifts from school or university is considered a car. But you can choose an alternative - a gyro or an electric scooter. The choice is better in favor of light models to 19 kg. The wheels should be 8 inches, and the maximum speed - at least 25 km / h. Before giving it as a gift, make sure your student is familiar with the rules of traffic regulations and safety: this will help save life and health, both for him and pedestrians.

Gift Certificate

A student and a graduate are adults with their own needs, which you can not even guess about. Therefore, it is best to let them choose for themselves. And if you are worried that all the money graduates will spend on celebrating their diploma, give them a gift certificate for a holiday in the comfortable for you denomination.

When moving from the dormitory to a rental apartment, someone has to buy household appliances. Perhaps this is the money they lacked for a dream smartphone or a computer needed for work. The certificate can be spent on a big purchase for the soul, like a new bicycle or a game console, or you can take a whole basket of small things you need: beauty products, headphones, batteries, tools, utensils, household chemicals, and more.

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Trae Bodge

Trae Bodge is the shopping expert here at GiftYa. Trae helps people find the best deals and ideas on popular new items to purchase.

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